Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One, Two, Three, Four

Tell me that you love me more.

Evening bloggers,
I just arrived home from church. which was just lovely, and am currently listening to my grooveshark. I love that little website.

So in my previous blog, I promised a post about Western Caroline University. Well, here it is.
This is their band. Their crazy, insane, awesome band.
This is what I pulled up to when I arrived.

Western Carolina, or WCU is the college that I plan on going to. I visited for the very first time during marching band season last summer for a competition. I instantly fell in love, from pulling in the parking lot, to marching onto the field, to staring at awe at their amazing stadium, and watching their insanely awesome band perform. I want to become a nurse, and luckily they have a pretty fantastic nursing school there. Also I can still do colorguard with their band! If you didn't watch the Rose Parade on New Years, then you missed out. Why may you ask? WCU's marching band marched in it! They were one of the 18 bands chosen throughout the entire world to perform! How wicked is that?! As well as marching in the parade, Western was voted "favorite band" at the event! Keep in mind now, this was only their first time going to Cali. for the parade. How crazy? Did I mention that they have 2 drumlines? That's right, 2.
Besides the band, the rural area of Cullowhee, NC ( & yes, that is a real place) is just adorable. Yes, the temperature reaches lows of about 12degrees in the winter, but I could easily bare it. It's about 6 hours from Concord, which is still relatively close for the parents sake, but far enough for me to actually breathe on my own lol.

Gah, how beautiful is this?
This video is actually their show from this year. I saw it live, so youtube videos do no justice for me anymore, but if you can just imagine how loud their video is, then times that by about 500. There ya go. Haha.
Amazing? I believe so(:


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