Sunday, July 10, 2011

FOR HIS GLORY- Albion Camp 2011

From the start of this entire trip, these girls have been wonderful. I rode with Rebekah (the middle one) in the van to Indiana. We clicked withing the first 5 minutes. If you couldn't tell, they are fraternal twins. TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE (; Both of them are very, very dear to me and were the biggest contributing factor to me having the most amazing time at camp. I love them with all my heart :D

This youth group right here, are amazing individuals. All of them aren't pictured though :( They accepted me into their "family" just like I'd always been there. The boy in the yellow shirt (Rhett) and the boy in the red, (Richard) BOTH received the Holy Ghost at camp. I was so happy for them!
Speaking of services, God moved so much in every service! Brother Smith, Bow, and Archer each delivered valuable words of God to me each service.
My favorite messages were titled "The Great Escape" , peached by Brother Bow; and "Delilah Doesn't Love You", preached by Brother Kevin Archer. 
The Great Escape was talking about being bound by something for so long. There's always that one little thing that the devil binds you with, keeping you from breaking free at the altar. I let go of the past that night, and I am NEVER looking back.
Delilah Doesn't Love You was talking about the story in the bible of Sampson & Delilah. In a short recap, Sampson was a Hebrew who had long hair which was his strength, and to put it in simple terms..loved the ladies. Delilah was a beautiful woman of another denomination, who Sampson fell for. Her people ordered her to find out Sampson's weakness by convincing him that she loved him. Sampson eventually revealed to Delilah that if he were to be shaven, all his strength would be gone. She waited for Sampson to fall asleep, and then ordered her people in to shave him, taking away God's gift of strength to him.
The lesson in this was that there will be one person or more in your life that you believe you are madly in love with. But the truth is..that person is Delilah, and Delilah doesn't love you. In the bible it said "Sampson loved her" but never did it once say "Delilah loved him." I cried that morning at the altar, and it was glorious.

I made so many wonderful new friends at this camp, everyone was so genuine and nice. I really cannot wait to return!
Dicing onions in the kitchen, like champs.

Proud of our girls on the front row in church! (:

Look at that leetle baby face (:

Makin' our first friend at camp !         (Holly) ^


Hope this wasn't a boring post!


  1. Omw... Just read your blog for the first time... Amazing chica!!! Great summary if the service- delilah--I totally missed the point and got that there is power in a nagging woman! Lol. Jk jk!! But she did nag him til he gave in!! No really- jk jk. Oh kels I love you--- come again soon soon super soon!!!

  2. Ok not sure y it signed me n under that cheesy name- and since i' m commenting again I wud like to add that it was cruel of mean 'ol Pammy to make the 2 mist beautifulEST kitchen slaves chop nasty old onions and i' m sure that is the ONLY reason u didn't come away from camp married- lol! P( whats that smell lingering??)) Pammy's fault totally!!

  3. HAhaha, these comments cracked me up! Is this Pammy talking? You were talking in third person if so, and it confused me..haha. I had to read them so many times! Love you too though, and I will definitely come back ASAP.

  4. This wasn't a boring post at all, Kelsey! :) I love the Delilah message summary! I like both, actually. Ah, sounds like it was a good experience!! I'm glad you went and you've come back determined as ever!
    <3 xo

  5. Yay! I loved them both so much, wish I would've bought a copy of the messages then I could've let you borrow them!! It was fantastic, and I hope that my determination can spread to others!
    Love you, Re. <3
