Monday, May 23, 2011

Change Is Hard.

Hi bloggers!
I once again apologize for not blogging in ages. It seems that's how I start every new post nowadays. I need to change that!
Recently I have been thinking about happiness. What it means to be happy and all that jazz. Lately I've been having awful days and usually they get me down. I came upon an epiphany though. You have to look at all the positive things you have in life. I really have been pesimistic lately, and I hate myself for that. But honestly, I have it too good to even begin to complain. So what? People are rude, and they're going to anger you at times, but getting you upset is their goal. If you show them how unaffected by it you are, they'll eventually just stop. "Kill Them With Kindness" is what I always tell myself. I hate that I even want to make people be rude to me, but what can I do about it? It's their own problem and one of these days they will reap what the sew. From now on, I am just going to look at every great thing I have in my life. God, my true friends, my family, my house, my ability to live comfortably, my youth group, not being depressed, not having a broken family, being able to just wake up every morning. These are just a small amount of things that get my by everyday. Even the simple things; summer's air, lounging around the house without a care in the world, piano, music, theatre, laughter, beautiful days, walking in my yard, photography, etc. You see my point here? A hint of advice for those feeling depressed, sad, or lonely. Life. Moves. On. One day, you will look back on your current situation and think "Wow, I survived that" and you'll smile.

Though the sorrow may last for a night, joy come in the morning.

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