Saturday, February 5, 2011

I don't wanna just make love. I wanna make love last.


It's been a good while since I've blogged, a ton has been going on with this new semester. Chemistry is not fun children, not fun at all.
During this past week I have discovered the following things; (yes, this is a list, don't judge)
* Creating choreography is much, much harder than it seems.
*Auditions for Moby Dick! The Musical weren't as terrifying as I thought they would be.
* My parents suck at enforcing my "grounding"
*Baby formula stains don't come out of jean skirts unless you scrub for everrrr.
*My room was a lot dirtier that I remember
*Cleaning my filthy room was way harder than I anticipated.
*Skype fails.
*Glee is the cutest show ever.
*I think I might minor in theatre.
*Having a best friend in Michigan, and you living in North Carolina really blows.
*I haven't been reading as much, and it's sad.
*Chemistry will be one of the most challenging classes I've ever taken.
*You can never rely on a guy, unless they're your boyfriend. Maybe not even then.
*Arguing is pointless.
*I use photography to escape reality.
* Annnnd, this list is far to long.

Alrighty bloggers, I think that's all I've been up to. How has your weekend been? I'd love to hear about it!
Have a lovely night and even greater tomorrow.


  1. Your outfit is so simple, yet I love it so much! :) Lovely post btw.

    Annnnd, my weekend has been pretty good and TIRING!


  2. Thank you!
    That is good, yes tiring weekends are fun ones. Haha(:
