Monday, January 3, 2011

New dawn, new day, new life.

So in February I will be visiting my orthodontist for the only kind of thing you visit an orthodontist for...braces. I am so not looking forward to this. At all. I hope that I can at least look decent with braces. I will have them for 1-2 years which means that I will not get them off until I'm 18. So not fair. Also, I will have to take senior pictures with them. Gah, please mom; let me get invisiline. For those who have had braces, any advice? I have made my mind up that I will keep chewing gum. Forever and ever. Gum sustains me during extremely boring classes and without it, I would probably burst into oblivion. Not fun whatsoever. Girls can sometimes pull off the metal mouth look, but I love love loooove it when guys have them. Supa cute I think.


  1. I had braces for 2 1/2 years (12-14)! Hun, I'm not gonna lie...they're painful. =( But SO worth it. Believe me.

    As far as the gum-chewing thing, stick to sugar-free!! You want to try as HARD as possible to avoid marks on your teeth when you get the braces off. Sugar can gather around the brackets and discolor the teeth. This is IMPOSSIBLE to remove!

    Oh, and beware of popsicles! I broke two brackets on popsicle sticks.
    You'll look beautiful with braces, dear. So don't even worry! =)

  2. Oh no, i'm so sorry. I used to want braces when I was little. Now...not so much! & I totally agree about guys having braces. It does make them pretty cute. Hahah.

    Good luck!


  3. beware nachos...they got me EVERYTIME.

  4. Amber - Haha thanks for that little gum tip! I wouldn't have thought about it at all. The last thing I want is nasty stained teeth !

    Melinda- Yeah I wanted them when I was around 11, but now that the time has actually come, I'm nervous! Oh and I am now following you(:

    Andrew - Ahh! I love nachos, whatsoever can I do?! Mann. Haha
